Deluxe Klondike Menus: File Menu: NEW GAME - Starts a new game. REPLAY GAME - Allows you to replay the last game that was dealt. OPEN DECK ... - Allows you to switch to a different deck style. Edit Menu: UNDO - This will undo the last move you made. REDO - This will restore the game to its state before you chose UNDO. UNDO ALL - This will undo all of your moves. (Up to the previous 200 moves.) REDO ALL - This will restore all the moves that were undone since the last play. Options Menu: SOUND - This allows you to turn the sound on and off. TURN ONE - Choose this option if you want one card at at time turned up from the stock.* TURN THREE - Choose this option if you want three cards at a time turned up from the stock.* BACKGROUNDS - This allows you to choose a new background pattern. CARD BACK - This allows you to change to a new card back style. LEFT HAND CURSOR - Choose this option to change the pointer to a left hand. POINTER CURSOR - Choose this option to use the standard Mac pointer. RIGHT HAND CURSOR - Choose this option to change the pointer to a right hand. SLOW DEAL - Choose this option if you want the cards to be dealt slowly. FAST DEAL - Choose this option if you want the cards to be dealt fast. CONFIRM GIVE UP - Choose this option if you want the computer to ask you if you're sure you want to give up when you press the GIVE UP button. AUTO PLAY - Choose this option if you want available cards to be moved to the foundation piles automatically. *Note: “Turn One” and “Turn Three” cannot be selected while a game is in progress. Scoring Menu: SHOW HIGH SCORES - This displays the high score list for the current scoring method. CLEAR HIGH SCORES - This clears the high score list for the current scoring method. STANDARD SCORING - This selects the standard scoring method.* EXPERT SCORING - This selects the expert scoring method.* CASINO SCORING - This selects the casino scoring method.* *Note: The scoring method cannot be changed while a game is in progress. ******************************************************* ©1996 Glenn Seemann. All rights reserved worldwide. *******************************************************